Joseph Geary Wilson

Captain Joseph Geary Wilson
09 Jul 1875 - 16 Jun 1955

Joseph Geary Wilson was born in Lisburn, Northern Ireland, the youngest son of George Wilson. He trained as an engineer, becoming an associate of the Institution of  Electrical Engineers on 26 Apr 1900 while working in Northern Ireland. His address from 1909 to 1916 was given as the British Westinghouse Works at Trafford Park, who made various items for war service including 400 petrol-electric light railway engines. After wartime service in the RAF, he became a graphic designer for the Rootes company, who had repaired aero engines during the war, but afterwards first distributed then manufactured motor cars, buying up various British marques such as Karrier, Sunbeam, Talbot and Humber. He is recorded as being at the Len Engineering Works in Maidstone in 1921, the original site of Rootes works.

On 13 May 1926 he married Mary Hilda Waddell, of Edinburgh, who had been an ambulance driver during the First World War. Their daughter Mary Geary was born at “Sunrise” on 28 July 1927. They were well off, with homes in Burgess Hill, Sussex and Park Lane, London. Generally they holidayed in Scotland, fishing, shooting and playing golf. Mary would go on to many things, including being responsible for founding the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

He was appointed Captain of the Brora Golf Club in 1927 and remained so until 1939 when he and his wife were appointed life members.

In 1939 at the time of registration, he was at his home Greenlands, on Keymer Road with his family and an Air Raid Warden for Burgess Hill Urban District Council.

In 1946 JG Wilson became a Director of the Sutherland Tweed Association Limited alongside the Duke and Duchess of Sutherland and others. 

Unit or location Role Posted from until
Caithness Group 3 - Sutherland Group Commander Unknown Unknown
National ID
EJCC 309/1
Military number

Electrical engineer (retired)


He was commissioned to the Special Reserve of Officers on 13 Nov 1916. He entered the Royal Flying Corps and remained with it as it became the Royal Air Force on 1 Apr 1918. He was appointed as an Equipment Officer 3rd Class, being promoted to 2nd Class in Dec 1916.  He served with the BEF in 1918. In March 1919, still an RAF Officer, Captain Wilson was the only one of brothers able to attend his father’s funeral, the others all being overseas. Shortly after being commissioned, on 16 Feb 1917, he had joined the Freemasons Ulster Lodge which visiting Northern Ireland.

We have very little information about his Auxiliary Units service. He was Group Commander of Group 3, but left before stand down. His name appears as an inked addition to a list dated 27 Oct 1942, but does not appear on a 1944 list. It is at the top of a list of names for the Duible/Kildonan Patrol.

He was commissioned to the General List on 1 Nov 1941, without Army pay and allowances. This was often the case for those serving with SOE or Intelligence services, but also where a civilian employee needed to have military rank.  When he relinquished his commission on 30 Sep 1949, he was awarded the honorary rank of Lieutenant Colonel, despite a substantive rank of Second Lieutenant. When he claimed his Defence Medal the following year, he stated he had been an Army Welfare Officer. He had not qualified for any overseas service medals indicating this role was within the United Kingdom.

Sunrise, Brora, Sutherland

TNA ref WO199/3388 

Commission London Gazette 22 Nov 1916

London Gazette 8 Jan 1917

London Gazette 28 Mar 1917

London Gazette 12 May 1942 Commission

London Gazette 4 Nov 1949

The Scotsman, 20 Sep 2021

Lisburn Standard 21 Mar 1919

Oban Times 17 Aug 1946


Ancestry UK

WW2 Medal Card