John Thomas Neville Hepper

Private John Thomas "Neville" Hepper
05 Nov 1893 - 24 Jan 1967
Unit or location Role Posted from until
Blue Anchor Patrol Patrol member Unknown 03 Dec 1944
National ID
WQDB 92/1

Farmer mixed farm

Hungerford Farm, Washford, Somerset
Other information

The sons of Frederick and Rosa, Eric, Neville and Douglas were brothers. Arthur was the son of Neville. John Watts was their brother-in-law having married their sister Dorothy. Neville married Ethel Babbage in 1921.

He travelled to Canada in 1913 and on the outbreak of WW1 he joined the Canadian 2nd Regiment Mounted Rifles and served 4 Dec 1914 to 15 May 1917.


TNA ref WO199/3390 & WO199/3391

1939 Register