Geoffrey Bernard Ratcliffe

Private Geoffrey "Geoff" Bernard Ratcliffe
16 Jun 1923 - 17 Nov 2002

The son of Walter and Sarah Ratcliffe.  He married Shirley Hardy in 1952.

Unit or location Role Posted from until
East Bergholt Patrol Patrol member Unknown Unknown
National ID
TXKL 233/4

Electrical engineer apprentice

Bellinglise, Woodgates Road, East Bergholt, Suffolk
Other information

Geoff was called up to the RAF and not replaced.

Geoff joined the Local Defence Volunteers in June 1940 but was soon approached to join Auxiliary Units. He was 17 and very good at sport, was at home in the countryside and was a good shot.

He wrote up his memories of the Auxiliary Units and these can be found on the East Bergholt patrol page


TNA ref WO199/3389, 

1939 Register

The memories of Geoff Ratcliffe