Frederick Baldwin Childe

Captain Frederick Baldwin “Freddie” Childe
11 Jul 1907 - 19 Jun 1967
Unit or location Role Posted from until
Cheviot, Area 11 Intelligence Officer 02 Jan 1941 01 Oct 1943
Chiswell, Area 12 Intelligence Officer 1941 1943

Charterhouse and Pembroke College, Cambridge

The Intelligence Corps
Military number
Commissioned or Enlisted
15 Apr 1940

University Officer Training Corps 1929,

Commission Coldstream Guards 1930,

April 1940 returned to commissioned role, Kings Royal Rifle Corps, possibly as MI6 Officer in Home Defence Organisation,

2 Jan 1941 present to meet Captain John Hills on his arrival in Suffolk,

3 Nov 1941 Acting Captain Auxiliary Units Intelligence Officer Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex 1940 – 1943,

Major 1944 Possibly he took over as national commander for Special Duties 

Miners Cottage, Great Yeldham, Essex also The Bull Inn, Long Melford, Suffolk
Other information

Born in Bombay to Lieutenant Colonel Letterstedt Frederick and Edith Childe, a well known Shropshire family. He married Lady Doria Lois Pelham-Clinton-Hope 22 Feb 1930 only 9 weeks after first meeting and 18 days after announcing their engagement. They divorced in December 1933.

By 1949 he was resigning as a Director on the Board of Hammonds United Brewery Ltd in Bradford.

Other pictures
Profile picture
Caption & credit
Captain Freddie Childe's final signal to his outstations (Ken Green)