Albert Edwin Thomas Hansford

Private Albert Edwin Thomas Hansford
08 Jan 1920 - 19 Jul 2002

Albert Hansford was known as Albie and farmed, despite living at the Mason's Arms, the local pub in Shipton Gorge, which his family had occupied since the 1920s. He was the last surviving Patrol member and it was only in the last couple of years before his death that the story of the Patrol became more widely known.

The son of Ernest and Emmeline, he is buried in St Martins Churchyard, alongside his wife Ethel Mary who died in 2008.

Unit or location Role Posted from until
Shipton Gorge Patrol Patrol member 10 Jun 1940 03 Dec 1944
National ID
WLCD 29/4

Dairy farmer

The Masons Arms, Shipton Gorge, Dorset
Other information

Also known as Thomas, from Bernard Thorner.
Also known as 'Albie' from Wally Axford.

Other pictures
Profile picture
Caption & credit
The Mason's Arms c1920's (Bob Osborn - Flickr)