Glossary of terms and abbreviations
Brigade. Military unit, typically composed of three to six battalions and supporting elements.
Battalion. Military unit of around 300–1,200 soldiers usually consisting of between two and seven companies and typically commanded by either a lieutenant colonel or a colonel. Several battalions are grouped to form a regiment or a brigade.
British Resistance Archive (This website managed by CART)
British Army personnel are ranked according to level, from the lowest (privates) to the highest (generals). Above private soldiers there are three types of officer: non-commissioned officers, warrant officers, and commissioned officers. The term used to refer to all ranks below officers is Other Ranks (ORs). It includes Warrant Officers, Non-commissioned officers (NCOs) and ordinary soldiers with the rank of Private or regimental equivalent. There are two abbreviations for the rank of Sergeant: Sgt and Sjt (the latter originating from Serjeant, a generally obsolete spelling of Sergeant).
British Resistance Organisation Museum, Parham Airfield Museum, Parham, Framlingham IP13 9AF, Suffolk