CART 360 Project

The CART 360° Project is a National Lottery Heritage Fund project undertaken in partnership with Keele University and VCS Websites Ltd that we started in 2022. It formed part of the Tranche 8 Digital Funding Programme comprised of projects designed to engage digital volunteers in heritage activities. Volunteers were provided with a 360 degree camera, associated tripods and lighting, and personal protective equipment to visit structures to be recorded, with the landowners permission as was necessary.

Remote training in the use of the equipment has been produced by Keele University and VCS Websites to enable the volunteers to create virtual tours of Auxiliary Units structures using Thinglink and add these to the CART website. The resources produced by the project are available for others to use under Creative Commons 4.0 licence.

The volunteers also received safety training and guidance in producing the tours. In addition they were given access to update the CART website with the latest information about sites, using recording advice provided, and ensure they are recorded for Historic Environment Records where appropriate.

See all the completed tours on the Interactive Tours page.

Volunteer resources

The information below is intended for project volunteers to utilise:

Video 1: Introduction to the equipment

Video 2: Using the camera on site

Video 3 : Creating a Thinglink

Thinglink Resource pack

Web Training: How to add ThingLink to the website

Web Training: Intro to some basic editing

Site recording form for Historic Environment Records

Crib sheet for adding an interactive floor plan or map